Torsion wrench is a commonly used manual tool for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts. Regarding the production and manufacturing standards of torsion shear wrenches, the main reference is international standards and industry norms to ensure product quality and safety. Here are some relevant standards:
1. ISO标准:ISO 6789-2:2017《手动扭剪扳手-第2部分:试验方法》指定了扭剪扳手的测试方法,包括扭矩准确度、重复性等性能指标。
1. ISO standard: ISO 6789-2:2017 "Manual shear wrenches - Part 2: Test methods" specifies the testing methods for shear wrenches, including performance indicators such as torque accuracy and repeatability.
2. DIN标准:DIN 7440《扭剪扳手,12角型,带正反扭矩限制》规定了扭剪扳手的设计和性能要求,包括扭矩范围、尺寸、质量等。
2. DIN standard: DIN 7440 "Twist shear wrenches, 12 angle type, with positive and negative torque limits" specifies the design and performance requirements of twist shear wrenches, including torque range, size, quality, etc.

3. ASME标准:ASME B107.14M-1994《扭力扳手(调整式)》规定了扭剪扳手的尺寸和性能要求。
3. ASME standard: ASME B107.14M-1994 "Torque Wrenches (Adjustment Type)" specifies the size and performance requirements for torque shear wrenches.
4. GB标准:GB/T 15734-2008《扳手》中也包含了扭剪扳手的相关规定,包括结构、尺寸、材料等要求。
4. GB standard: GB/T 15734-2008 "Wrenches" also includes relevant regulations for torsion shear wrenches, including requirements for structure, size, materials, etc.
In addition, when making a torsion wrench, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following aspects:
1. 材料选择:扭剪扳手通常由高强度合金钢制成,具有足够的硬度和耐用性。
1. Material selection: Torsion wrenches are usually made of high-strength alloy steel with sufficient hardness and durability.
2. 制造工艺:采用的加工工艺,如冷锻、热处理等,以确保扭剪扳手的强度和耐久性。
2. Manufacturing process: Advanced processing techniques such as cold forging and heat treatment are adopted to ensure the strength and durability of the torsion wrench.
3. 尺寸精度:制造过程中需要控制尺寸精度,以确保扭剪扳手与螺母和螺栓的匹配性。
3. Dimensional accuracy: During the manufacturing process, it is necessary to control dimensional accuracy to ensure the compatibility of the torque wrench with the nut and bolt.
4. 检测和测试:在生产过程中进行必要的质量检测和测试,包括扭矩测试、力矩精度测试等,以确保产品符合标准要求。
4. Inspection and testing: Conduct necessary quality inspections and tests during the production process, including torque testing, torque accuracy testing, etc., to ensure that the product meets standard requirements.
In summary, in the production and production of torsion shear wrenches, it is necessary to design, manufacture, and test according to relevant international standards and industry norms to ensure that product quality and performance meet the requirements.