Rechargeable electric wrench is a kind of wrench, which is very common in our life. Long ago, we used ordinary wrenches. With the development of the times, there are now a series of wrenches such as electric wrench and rechargeable electric wrench. Today, Xiaobian will introduce the operation mode and points for attention of rechargeable electric wrench.
1. Select the appropriate sleeve according to the size of the nut and install it.
2. During use, pay attention to the direction of the following wrenches when opening the switch. When the power is turned on, the electric wrench will rotate immediately, which is easy to cause danger.
3. When in use, find the reverse force distance from the support point to prevent the reaction force from hurting people.

4. In the process of using the rechargeable electric wrench, if there is abnormal spark, stop working immediately, check and deal with it and eliminate the fault.
Maintenance method of rechargeable electric wrench after use:
1. The shell of rechargeable electric wrench has periodic inspection and test certificate. Pay attention to this time at any time.
2. Pay attention to check the fastening of the mounting screws on the body of the electric wrench. If any screws are sent, they should be re tightened immediately, otherwise the electric wrench will fail.
3. Check whether the handles on both sides of the hand-held electric wrench are intact on time.