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来源:http://chengchenwuliu.com日期:2019-06-12 发布人:admin


  Do you know the operation of the adjustable torque electric wrench?
  The torque adjustable wrenches produced by our company are SGTG torque adjustable electric wrench and SGDD torque adjustable preset wrench. SGDD series torque adjustable electric wrench is a mechanical construction tool for assembling threaded parts and bolts. It has the function of automatic torque control.
  Application Industry of Torque Adjustable Electric Spanner: Torque Adjustable Electric Spanner is widely used in the installation of welding bridges, workshops and iron towers, as well as the installation of chemical, metallurgical and power generation equipment. Heavy machinery, lifting equipment and vehicle assembly operations, as well as screw fasteners torque and axial tension requirements occasions.
  Bolt tightening operation of adjustable torque electric wrench
  1. 安装反应支架并拧紧螺丝。启动主机,使方头销孔对应反力支架孔,然后安装扳手插座,插入销,用橡胶圈固定。
  1. Install the reaction bracket and tighten the screw. Start the main engine, make the square head pin hole correspond to the reaction support hole, then install the spanner socket, insert pin, and fix with rubber ring.
  2. 将控制器转矩旋钮调整到所需转矩值,将主机正反转开关转到正转位置,将扳手插座设置在螺纹接头的六角形上。
  2. Adjust the controller's torque knob to the required torque value, turn the main engine's forward and reverse switch to the forward position, and set the spanner socket on the hexagon of the threaded joint.
  3. Press the power switch and start the wrench. When the arm of the reaction bracket is firmly attached to the bracket (the fulcrum can be adjacent bolts or other positions as fulcrum), the bolts begin to tighten. When the bolt torque reaches the predetermined torque, the wrench automatically stops and tightens. Loosen the power switch and fasten the next bolt.
  4. 扳手自动停止后,通过反力支承的弹性变形力,将支架的力臂自动从支点上释放出来,并将扳手取下。如果手臂不能从支点上取下,则可以正、负开关,取下电源开关扳手。
  4. After the wrench stops automatically, the force arm of the support is released automatically from the fulcrum through the elastic deformation force of the reaction support, and the wrench is removed. If the arm cannot be removed from the fulcrum, the positive and negative switches can be activated and the power switch wrench can be removed.
  Selection and Adjustment of Torque of Electric Spanner with Adjustable Torque
  1. Users can choose the torque adjustable electric wrench in the range of 50-3500nm.
  2. 控制器面板上有“扭矩调节旋钮”。0-10刻度值被雕刻。精调旋钮的作用是在粗调两档之间进行调整和补偿,以提高转矩控制的精度。(见后页)
  2. There is a "Torque Adjustment Knob" on the controller panel. The 0-10 scale value is carved. The function of fine-tuning knob is to adjust and compensate between rough-tuning gears in order to improve the accuracy of torque control. (See the back page)
  3. Adjustment method: Torque test data card of product, calibration reference user, user can choose a certain scale value, tighten bolt according to the required torque operation method, tighten bolt, use load wrench or other actual measuring instrument bolt torque value, if the torque is small, fine-tuning compensation, if the difference is large, can be roughly tuned or through a step distance, repeated several times to obtain the required torque. Moment value.
  Cautions for Operation of Electric Spanner with Adjustable Torque
  1. 螺栓直径的大小对控制精度有一定的影响。在施工中,采用相同类型的螺栓连接对扭矩值进行校核。
  1. The diameter of bolt has a certain influence on the control accuracy. In construction, the same type of bolt connection is used to check the torque value.
  2. 机器应在工作前空转3-5分钟。运行中发现电机火花大、声音异常、扭矩不稳定时,应立即停机检查。不要带着疾病工作。
  2. The machine should rotate for 3-5 minutes before working. When the generator is found to have large spark, abnormal sound and unstable torque during operation, it should be stopped immediately for inspection. Don't work with illness.
  3. Clean and change grease regularly. In general, it should be cleaned and oiled 5000 times in order to prolong service life.
  4. 主机控制仪表上的电源开关、碳刷、保险丝等都是易发生故障的易损件,应经常检查,及时更换。
  4. The power switch, carbon brush and fuse on the host control instrument are all vulnerable parts which are easy to break down. They should be checked regularly and replaced in time.
  5. 使用过程中工具螺丝松动,应及时拧紧。
  5. Tool screw should be tightened in time.
  6. 搬运工具时,请勿拉动电缆,轻拿轻放,以免振动和掉落。不使用时,应放在干燥通风处。如发现潮湿应及时干燥处理。请勿与酸、碱等有害物质接触或贮存。
  6. When handling tools, do not pull the cable, take it lightly to avoid vibration and falling. When not in use, it should be placed in a dry and ventilated place. If dampness is found, it should be dried in time. Do not contact or store with harmful substances such as acid or alkali.
  Torque adjustable wrench, torque adjustable electric wrench, torque adjustable preset wrench
  SGTG type torque wrench adjustment preset introduction: SGTG type preset torque wrench preset torque value and transmission device, torque wrench adjustment preset and torsion accurate, stable performance, easy adjustment, long service life, etc., suitable for assembly and thread tightening torque control, is an important tool to ensure and improve product quality.