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来源:http://chengchenwuliu.com日期:2021-01-21 发布人:admin

Accuracy: two way reading ± 3%, better than the standard accuracy of torque wrench.
多种扭矩单位可供选择 N.m、Lbf.ft、 自由切换。
A variety of torque units are available, N.M Lbf.ft 、  Switch freely.
跟踪、峰值、预置三种模式可自由切换,在跟踪模式的工作状态,可实时跟踪测试扭矩值;在峰值模式的工 作状态,可保持测试大扭矩值;预置模式时,可预置所需的扭矩值。
Tracking mode, peak mode and preset mode can be switched freely. In the working state of tracking mode, the torque value can be tracked and tested in real time; in the working state of peak mode, the large torque value can be tested; in the preset mode, the required torque value can be preset.
数据可选择手动、自动存储功能将存储的数据通过 USB 接口和电脑进行通讯功能。
The data can be stored manually or automatically. The stored data can be communicated with the computer through USB interface.
峰值模式可存储 500 组扭矩峰值,可进行数据存储、删除、输出。
Peak mode can store 500 groups of torque peak, and can store, delete and output data.
The product uses rechargeable lithium battery power supply, large capacity, safe and reliable.
LCD has backlight function, and can be used in case of insufficient light.
厂家研制的SGGQ系列钢筋专用数显紧固扭力扳手是按照钢筋机械连接技术规程 JGJ 107-2010 标准为钢筋连接套筒的扭矩紧固和检测设计的一款专用高精密数显扭矩工具,钢筋专用数显紧固扭力扳手可有效保证桥梁、建筑 施工操作人员对钢筋连接紧固扭矩的预紧,也能保证施工监理人员对紧固扭矩的检验。
Sggq series steel bar special digital display tightening torque wrench developed by the manufacturer is a special high-precision digital display torque tool designed for the torque tightening and testing of steel bar connecting sleeve according to the technical specification for mechanical connection of steel bar JGJ 107-2010. The steel bar special digital display tightening torque wrench can effectively ensure the safety of bridge and building The pre tightening of the tightening torque of the steel bar connection by the construction operator can also ensure the inspection of the tightening torque by the construction supervisor.