1. 直观的方法——数显力矩扳手主电路板上元件较多,很多故障是由短路、断路、连接不良、插塞接触、零件角焊等原因造成的。因此,当标度失败时,应先用直观的感觉:视觉、听觉、听觉、触觉等方法来检查电路板。
1. Intuitive method - there are many components on the main circuit board of the digital torque wrench, and many faults are caused by short circuit, open circuit, poor connection, plug contact, part fillet welding and other reasons. Therefore, when the price scale fails, we should first check the circuit board with intuitive feeling: vision, hearing, hearing, touch and other methods.
2. 比较与替代法——在故障检测过程中,借助仪器将数显力矩扳手与刻度进行比较,以便快速发现故障。另外,如果准备工作的传感器、电路板、电源、钥匙板等部件有损坏的嫌疑,用准备好的部件更换,然后观察结果是否有变化。如果显示正常,则表示原来的组件有问题。该方法可以快速、准确地判断故障点。
2. comparison and substitution method: in the process of fault detection, the digital display torque wrench is compared with the scale by means of the instrument, so as to find the fault quickly. In addition, if the prepared sensor, circuit board, power supply, key board and other components are suspected of damage, replace them with the prepared components, and then observe whether the results change. If the display is normal, there is a problem with the original component. This method can judge the fault point quickly and accurately.
3. Voltage measurement method: the digital display torque wrench measures the working voltage of each tube angle of the chip through the circuit element, and compares with the normal value, the local fault with large voltage change.
4. 短路和开路方法——短路方法是将电路的一部分短路,用数字显示扭力扳手然后通过示波器或万用表的测试结果来确定故障点。开路方法是断开电路的一部分,用万用表测量电阻、电压或电流来确定故障点。
4. Short circuit and open circuit method - the short circuit method is to short a part of the circuit, use the torque wrench with digital display and then determine the fault point through the test results of oscilloscope or multimeter. The open circuit method is to disconnect a part of the circuit and use a multimeter to measure the resistance, voltage or current to determine the fault point.
Digital torque wrench is a kind of precise measuring instrument, especially the following points should be paid attention to:
1. 数字显示力矩扳手具有良好的防振、防雨性能,但应避免剧烈的振动和长时间的降雨,特别是在吊秤脱离挂钩的情况下。
1. The digital display torque wrench has good anti vibration and rainproof performance, but it should avoid violent vibration and long-term rainfall, especially when the scale is separated from the hook.
2. 当数字显示力矩扳手需要在高温环境下工作时,应注意数字显示力矩扳手不能长时间停留在高温区域。一般的原理是如果吊秤外壳不热(70℃),不会对吊秤产生不良的影响。
2. When the digital display torque wrench needs to work in the high temperature environment, it should be noted that the digital display torque wrench cannot stay in the high temperature area for a long time. The general principle is that if the shell of the scale is not hot (70 ℃), it will not have a bad impact on the scale.
3. Avoid overload and sensor damage.
4. 贮存于配套的包装盒内,贮存处应通风,相对湿度不超过85%
4. It shall be stored in the matched packing box, and the storage place shall be ventilated, with the relative humidity no more than 85%
This article is organized and published by the manufacturer of electric torque wrench. For more information, please refer to the official website: http://chengchenwuliu.com